How to Date a Much Younger Woman

dating a much younger woman

Browsing through Russian dating sites, you must have noticed that there are many 20 somethings looking for their life partners. If you are a middle-aged man, you might be worried and at the same time excited about this age gap. Actually, you shouldn’t be concerned about it because girls are attracted to older men and usually want their spouse to be 5 or more years older. Men, in their turn, want to have a younger and beautiful wife, so the difference in age is not a problem for both parties. However, an older man needs to be aware of certain things that can prevent him from dating younger women successfully. Here is an essential guide for those who want to overcome age difference and build a happy relationship.
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Long-distance Relationships: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about It

Figuring all Benefits and Pitfalls of LDRs out

We live in times when everything goes through great changes. The traditional conceptions of family and romantic relationships transform dramatically along with the evolution of modern society. For many of us, it’s already normal to study and work outside our native countries; no wonder that long-distance relationships become more and more common. Millions of couples all over the planet – even married ones – live separately and affirm they feel totally satisfied. Among pre-marital couples, this percent is obviously higher. The issue of long-distance relationships aggravates daily: the more mobile humanity becomes, the more people have to deal with it. Our world is abundant in diverse kinds of technological means that enhance our communication but does this really help? So lovers around the world wonder if it’s possible to maintain the connection for a long time. And I want to discuss it relying on my past experience (yes, I know what it’s like!).
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Dating for Men over 50: Basic Rules, Do’s and Don’ts, and More

dating in 50's

Love knows no age. This simple statement has changed so many lives! Why would anyone ever decide otherwise? Well, people from all over the world have quite different ideas related to age gaps between lovers and the appropriate age to marry and have children. Since our attention is focused today on men over 50, we are going to talk mostly about them.
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What Dating after 40 is Like for Men

dating after 40

Life has dramatically changed in the recent years. We no longer send handwritten letters in envelopes, we don’t really like to get intimate with people… Much had changed, and people in their mid-40s often find themselves relentlessly lonely if they didn’t manage to find love in their adolescence. Interestingly, the older we get, the more complicated it becomes to find a partner – and for a good reason.

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How to Find Love after Divorce

love after divorce

Divorce or breakup is always painful. You thought you’d spend the rest of your life with that person but something made your relationship collapse. Getting over it can take a lot of time and it’s a natural thing because you need to clear your mind before you can get back to the dating scene. Some friends may advise you to find somebody in order to forget your ex faster. But it’s a bad idea since you can’t start a new relationship without getting rid of the negative baggage. No one can tell you when it’s the right time to find a new partner. You should feel it yourself.

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Russian Dating Etiquette

dating etiquette

Learn how to date Russian beauties in the right way

What do we need etiquette for? To make a long story short, it is necessary for efficient socialization. Modern people have to mingle with numerous counterparts every single day. Although the conception of courtesy changes over time, there are certain basics that never fall out of use.
Today, our relationship experts wish to give you a curious insight into Russian dating culture. This article will tell you what Russian Dating etiquette rules to master in order to impress your foreign girlfriend. Read and gain from the tips below! Continue reading

How to Make a Russian Girl Fall in Love with You

russian girl

You’ve never dated Russian girls before and it’s natural that you want to get at least a general idea of what kind of women they are and what they want. If you assume that there might be some cultural differences that need to be taken into account, you’re right – there are a lot of things to consider. Fortunately, women are women and there are some common wooing strategies that will work with them irrespective of their nationality.

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