It’s been more than 6 months since I left Vietnam and returned to my hometown. But in my thoughts, I invariably return to Vietnam … Perhaps this is my character – I quickly become attached to places and people who look at the world in the same way as I do. Although I admit, at first I did not think so.
It all started with my friend’s offer to go to India, on a program similar to Work and Travel. We studied in the penultimate year of the university, the exams were over and we were waiting for the summer, which we wanted to spend somehow specifically. Discussing our plans, everything has always boiled down to endless hikes in bars and a possible trip somewhere to the South, within our country. We persistently pretended that such pastime could be considered “special”, but deep in our hearts, we understood that this summer is likely to be the same as all the previous ones. In May, my friend dumbfounded me with the decision to go to India and work for a well-known tobacco company, advertising their products in nightclubs.
The company paid for tickets, provided accommodation and helped with the preparation of documents. I had some savings and a strong desire to do something unusual, so I immediately decided to join my friend.
I will not tell you about India, but I will only say that at the end of the working contract, we decided not to return home but to spend the earned money for travel around Asia. Our first and, as it turned out, the last stop was Vietnam. We lived there for more than a year. Yes, it was an unforgettable time.
After returning home, I often recalled this country and its inhabitants. I wanted to share my experiences and emotions, but I did not know what to write about. My dear friend rescued me and this time too – he said, many men are very interested in dating a vietnamese woman and some of them are simply obsessed with the idea of creating a family with a Vietnamese. But they need information about what they really are. And I have something to tell about dating a vietnamese woman, my Vietnamese dating experience is very rich (yes, I like to have fun 🙂 and I can give people what they need. So the idea of this article was born. I hope you find in it all the answers you need.
What are Vietnamese women like?
Of course, the first question that everyone is interested in: what are they, these exotic and mysterious vietnamese brides? I must admit that I also asked myself this question on the way to Vietnam. I always liked Asian girls and I dreamed of a girl from some kind of Asian country. In my head, there was an image that Asian women are modest and flexible wives who master the art of seduction, which is incomparable with those inept attempts to impress a man with their femininity, which European girls often do.
Well, this image was simultaneously confirmed and somewhat simplified. To begin with, the Vietnamese very quickly urbanize. This applies to both men and women. When I first came to Saigon and talked with the locals, I experienced a small disappointment – it turned out that the “advanced” vietnamese brides are very eager for the Western way of life. This applies to both the way of thinking and the external manifestations.
Vietnamese women prefer to spend time not in bars, but in coffee shops. This somewhat complicates the situation – it is much easier to get acquainted with a girl who drinks tequila, not a fragrant espresso. I spent a lot of time in local coffee shops – it’s always cool, quiet and cozy there. Such an atmosphere is ideal for work. So, one day I met a girl who often came to the same coffee shop. She simply ordered Latte herself and chatted with visitors for hours. As it turned out, she was very good at speaking English and I found it was a good sign.
Later my opinion changed. It turned out that she was one of those Vietnamese girls who are happy with the company of any European or American man. And she enjoyed spending nights with anyone who took this “gift.” For some time, I forgot about my dream to date a viet lady.
Later I got acquainted with other, more traditional girls. They did not speak English well, but their mentality was notably different. These girls were the personification of all those ideals of femininity that our men hunt for. They were very shy and romantic. The love for romance came from the fascination of Vietnamese with music and poetry. One of these girls took care of me as if I was the last man on Earth. At the same time, her courtship was not ingratiating and she never demanded anything in return.
Hence it can be concluded that all the girls are very different, but you can follow this trend to date a viet lady: the less a woman is urbanized, the more she can give you. Real Vietnamese women are very romantic and modest. And they do not know English well.
Where to meet Vietnam girls?
The next important question that needs to be clarified is: where to meet a vietnamese woman for dating? Frankly, I never set myself a similar goal and did not come up with a detailed plan. I just left the hotel room expecting an accidental meeting. I always had something to do besides girls, and a passionate night with one of the Vietnamese beauties was more a bonus than a primary goal.
In large cities, the vietnamese woman for dating can be found in many places crowded with tourists. But these girls are empty creatures, ready to have sex with any man with Europeoid features. There is nothing to talk about with them. They are boring in the worst sense of the word.
My most interesting acquaintance with the Vietnamese girl happened in one music bar in Saigon. As I said, Vietnamese love music. That night a local rock band played in the bar and a lot of people gathered for their performance. Basically, it was the young people, fans of guitar music. I met a beauty who only recently moved to Saigon from the village. She did not speak English well, but we were saved by an online translator. This girl turned out to be one of those Vietnamese women who take care of the romantic feeling. We spent many days together before I had to leave. We still maintain relations and I must admit that I miss her.
If your goal is to get acquainted with a worthy Vietnamese woman, go to cultural events. Musical festivals are ideal locations for new romantic acquaintances.
If you are looking for more simple options, you can use dating sites. I’ve never done this, which is not the case with my friend. Once a week he went to his favorite site and arranged 5-6 dates. As a result, he always had sex with Vietnamese girls. If this option suits you, be sure to try it. It works.
How to tell if a Vietnamese girl likes you
If you like a girl from a large city, do not expect anything special – she will show signs of attention just like any other girl. What cannot be said about the more traditional Vietnamese women. I already said that they are very modest? Just in case, I repeat: they are really very, very modest. Sometimes it even looks like some kind of lack of initiative. But in fact, it’s all about upbringing.
Many Vietnamese girls adhere to the curfew. They never walk after 11pm. The only exception is if she is accompanied by her husband. Yes, it must be her husband, not her boyfriend. For many Western men, this seems like an uncomfortable rule, but what to do, it is their country and this is their views on the norms of behavior.
If you start a relationship with one of these girls, the main sign by which you can determine that she likes you is her excessive laughter. Vietnamese in general are very funny, but when they like a man, they are ready to laugh even at the worst jokes.
One day the girl so often and sincerely laughed at my jokes that I felt like Jim Carrey. I even wrote a couple of jokes for the author’s stand up and gave them to my friend. It’s good that I did it – jokes were, let’s say … not of the best quality.
Another sign by which you can determine whether your liking is mutual is the girl’s awkward attempts to look for a meeting with you. Most likely, it will be unobvious (as it seems to them) hints and invitations. Always accept them, but do it as tactfully as possible. Yes, dating a viet girl is all about gentleman behavior.
Bonus: Most important tips for dating a Vietnamese girl
Always take the initiative and do not expect that she will do it for you.
Dating a viet girl, do not avoid getting to know her relatives. It does not oblige to anything, but it is very important.
Do not expect to have sex on a first date. For a decent girl, it’s taboo.
Behave like a gentleman from the 19th century. Vietnamese girls like it very much.