What to talk about with a Russian girl?

first date

There are lots of guys, who don’t know what to talk about with a Russian girl to make her like them, make each other’s acquaintance and have some time together. As a matter of fact, starting a conversation is paramount and then, talking will come easier and more fluent. That is the reason why you need to define what can begin your conversation at the date with a Russian girl in order to astonish, attract and seduce her.

Find common topics to speak of

If it is your first date with a Russian girl and you don’t know what to talk about, then before the date, complete a list of topics that you think can appeal both to her and you. Just write down every topic you are interested in and try talking about them, if the girl likes one of those, she can keep the conversation going and thus, your date can run over a long hour.

Should you know each other for a while, it is wise to talk with her about things she can be interested in, the topics you have already touched upon and if not, ask your Russian lady of the hobbies and avocations.

Talk about relationship with russian lady

In any case, if you date together, you need to talk with your date about relationship. Not about the former love affairs or relations, but about her and your relationship, what does she think of and what are her thoughts on this matter. A girl has to see that you have serious intentions and she will appreciate it. But for that to achieve, you, initially, need to understand whether you like this girl at all or not. Learn: how to break up and start life anew.

About music

Tak with the Russian woman about her and your favorite music, bands and songs. All girls like this topic one way or another, because they are listening music quite often.

About sports

You can also discuss sports with her, if you are going in for sports and if your date like listening to you and keep the conversation.

About job

If your job is exciting and fun, then tell her the most funny accidents happenned to you at work. This can make an impression on her, as she can learn that you work and you like your job which means that you can give her financial support, presents and protect her.

About study

Yes, if you personally like the education topic, you can tell your Russian girl where you study at. Tell interesting and funny stories happened with you during the schools, she will support you and probably tells you where she’s studying at and some funny stories of her own.

About life

If serious relationship is important to you, then you must talk to a Russian lady about life. Should she avoid the such conversation of leave, it means she is not interested in serious relationship, she is found of going out and the serious relations with one guy only is not on her mind.

About books

If you personally is keen on reading, talk with her about books. Should she like this topic as well, you will have something to talk of and share your knowledge in a certain area. Learn: what kind of guys do girls like.

About favorite hobbies

If you don’t know what to talk about with a girl, then learn of her favorite hobbies and tell her about your hobbies and avocations. In this case, some common topics are by all means to be found, which implies a common interest and new topics to speak of. It is advisable to build your relationship with a girl, who has at least some common interests with you. Thus, dates, conversations and relationship will come easier for you.

About animals

If you like pets and if you got, say, a dog or a cat, then you have something to talk about with her, assuming she likes pets too.

About goals and dreams

Talking about the goals and dreams of you two is another topic to talk about with your date. Sharing your dreams and goals can be interesting and if she reveals you hers, it is an indication of her trust to you.

About success

If you have already gained some success in your life, don’t be shy sharing your achievements with a girl. All Russian girls and women love successful men and guys, as seeking a strong man is in any girl’s nature and nowadays, strength is shown in knowledge and success.

Make jokes with her

No need to just talk with your date, you have to joke together, so she remembers your date and she wants to have an another one with you. So, be funny and joke together.

Be yourself

Actually, talking to a Russian girl about the topics that she likes alone makes no sense, because you don’t reveal your strong suit to her. You need to find a Russian lady, who can talk with you on anything that you like. When your topics meet hers, then you can grow your most natural and sincere relations without trickery.

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